Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkins and Parties

This post is about our last week in the States before heading here to Asia. We drove back to my parents house on Friday night, and then my sister (who flew up the day before) and I gave my mom a surprise 60th birthday party that Saturday.

She actually had no idea and was genuinely surprised!! 

Sarah's little girl and Paige are close in age, so we got matching outfits and Daniel took some pictures of us girls before church.

It was hard to get the girls to look at the camera at the same time-but I still love how they turned out!

My parents picked out the girls' outfits-they are adorable!

Love my sister!

Daniel's parents came up our last weekend, and we went to a pumpkin patch where you could pick apples, pumpkins, ride rides, and feed animals. It was basically a mini heaven for Paige. 

I love my little apple picker! I die over those pigtails!

Paige has no fear of animals! Petting zoos are really the jackpot.

We were never really sure what this animal was.

Paige rode the pony and we rode the swings. I thought the swings would be nice and mild-I was shocked at how fast we went! We had so much fun picking apples, playing with the pumpkins, and spending time with family. I loved every minute at the pumpkin patch-I know it will be a while before we get to go to another one!

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

17-21 Week Recap

So it's been a while, this you know. But let's get right to this recap!

17 Weeks

I don't have any pictures of weeks 18-20. But I have definitely popped, and I didn't even realize it at first. I was talking to a friend and said how I felt like I was in the awkward "is she fat or pregnant?" stage. And she very bluntly said "No, you LOOK pregnant." And she was so right. 

We are planning on delivering here in our city in East Asia. A few foreigners have already had babies here and have had pretty good experiences. I met the doctor today-he is a local, but has practiced in the States and has great english. There are definitely a few cultural differences.though.  First, the average stay after a c-section (which is what I'll have) is 6-7 days. I've already asked if I could leave before then, and he said it was okay. Another is the swimming they offer the baby just a few days after birth. We saw a newborn today "swimming." Daniel said he would let our baby do it, but I'm going to go with no on this one. 

It looks like this, except picture a newborn. 

Here are the Stats:

How Far Along: 21 weeks

Size of Baby: 11 inches long, almost a pound!

Weight Gain: I think maybe 10 pounds. I'm not too sure. 

Gender: It's a BOY!!!!! We had an early ultrasound at 16 weeks in the States, and they were 75% sure. We had one at 19 weeks here, and they definitely see a boy!

Movement: Every day at this point. I can feel him getting stronger with his movements!

Sleep: Now it's not too bad. Our first few weeks here I was pretty uncomfortable most nights. But we are on a regular mattress now, and things are much better!

Maternity Clothes: Yes. I still wear some of my t shirts and regular shirts, but the maternity shirts are starting to fit better over the bump. 

Symptoms: Some back and hip pain that comes and goes, and I can tell my appetite is increasing

Aversions: Nothing really. 

Cravings: Sweets mostly, and also Nature Valley's Salted Caramel Nut Protein Bar. I bought a box randomly to bring here and I'm saving my last one for a very special day. But I think about eating it a lot. 

What I Miss: Not too much. 

Best Moment of the Week: Having the ultrasound last week and confirming we're having a boy! We have a name picked out that I'll share soon!

What I'm looking Forward to: Getting his nursery ready. It's a complete mess right now from the move, and I don't have anything picked out yet. But I'm excited for whenever it does comes together. 

That's me and Baby Boy at 21 weeks!

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