Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm back!!!!!

After an overnight flight, I arrived back home early Thursday morning.

Daniel surprised me and met me at the airport, which is a big deal here cos we don't have cars or drive.

Before i launch into several posts with pictures (mostly of food), I thought I'd share just a few of the surprises that were waiting for me when I came home.

First, I got not one, but 2 bouquets of flowers!!

They're still going strong and smelling lovely!


And the fridge was stocked with Diet A&W Root Beer and bagels. Seriously, my love tank is full. You just can't beat surprise presents in my's instant happiness :)

Just to wet your whistle, here's a preview of my trip!

I will try to post soon about my trip, but life is busy and I'm in denial about going back to school tomorrow. We'll see what happens!



1 comment:

  1. I love that I can hear how happy you are - just by your words. Welcome back!
