Thursday, August 9, 2012

13/14 Week Recap

I'm finishing Week 14 today! I can't even believe it! I'm still in denial a little bit that I'm pregnant. I think because I'm not really showing yet, I haven't felt the baby move, and we don't know the gender, it just all seems surreal and strange that there is in fact a little person inside of me right now. It's so hard to grasp!

How far along: 14 weeks

Size of Baby: Peach

Weight gain: 1 lb

Gender: We'll find out around Sept 21st!!

Movement: Not yet, but he/she was moving all over the place on the ultrasound this week!

Sleep: I'm still getting up 3X a night to pee. Also, for some reason, if Daniel doesn't go to bed the same time as me, I cannot fall asleep. This is a completely new and weird development.

Maternity clothes: Nope

Symptoms: Some nausea in the afternoon and evening, just started feeling a little tired every so often

Aversions: Salads, hamburgers, jaozi (local dumplings)

Cravings: Fruit, fudge brownies, smoothies (what's hard is craving things I can't easily get here!!)

What I miss: Hot dogs, club sandwiches, having energy

Best Moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat for the first time! Seeing our little one move around on the ultrasound, and telling all of our friends!

What I'm looking forward to: Having a baby bump! I'm so ready to start showing!




  1. congratulations - hoping you have a wonderful pregnancy!

  2. I was the same way. I couldn't wait to have that bump. But it will come soon. Mine seemed to show up overnight and pokes out more every day.
