Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A little bit of this....

Well....I went to the doctor this morning. I asked him to check me again, but he said I was too calm for anything to be going on, so he isn't going to check me again till next week, assuming I'm still pregnant. I kind of want to go into labor tonight just to prove him wrong, ha!

I still can't tell if I've had contractions.....there have been some tightening feelings that feel more intense sometimes, but it's not painful.

So since we're basically just waiting around for Paige to come, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's at least another week, I thought I'd do a catch up post of things I haven't posted about yet, before life gets pretty busy.

So let's backtrack......

My sweet MIL, Sherry, gave me a baby shower back in December. It was SO fun and a so cutely decorated! Look at the cupcake!

Sherry, me, Daniel's grandma

Daniel's cousin made the cupcakes and the large cupcake. I loved it!

Paige was so spoiled, and got the cutest things!!!

At the end of December, we had a mini reunion with some friends that we lived overseas with. We love this group and any time we get to spend with them. They're the kind of people that just get you and we're so thankful for their friendships in our lives.

We all went out for dinner for NYE, and then Daniel and I called it an early evening. It was fun to get dressed up, but also nice to spend a quiet evening at home. 

Before we left Oklahoma, we went out for a family dinner to celebrate my birthday. This is my SIL, Laura-so not only do we have the same name, but we're both pregnant! She's due on Easter and also having a little girl!

We also got our stroller and I'm pretty excited about it! We went with the Phil & Ted's Dot stroller, and I love how small it is! I think it will be great for all of the walking we'll be doing with Paige when we go back home. 

We don't have too much planned this week. We went to an infant care class last night and were able to see a baby that was just born get her first bath-it was so cute! I can't wait for it to be little Paige's turn!



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