Thursday, December 19, 2013

Life in the USA

We've been in the States for a month now. So much has happened already, I can't believe it's only been a month.

Last week we took a little road trip to Dallas.

We went right after all the bad weather in Dallas. I was so happy to see this sign. I just love Texas!

BFF Amy was in town (she lives in Hawaii), and I was DYING to see her! She has a little boy and we've already decided he and Paige will be the perfect couple.

Aren't they precious??!!?!!?  It was really hard to get good pics of them... they both like to move, and are way too busy to stop and take a pic. 

Amy and I haven't seen each other in 3 1/2 years, since she got married. That is WAY too long. 

We had the best time! We all stayed at Amy's parents house and hung out, ate, and just had fun. We hung out in our pj's, went to Cheesecake Factory, Amy and I went shopping, and we watched the kids play. It was wonderful and more.  Daniel and Jeremy get along really well, which makes it easier for me and Amy to go to Target while they hang out at home with the kiddos :)

Did I mention it's hard to take pictures with children? 

Love her!

While we were in Dallas, I also got to hook up with Jen! We were both in each other's weddings, and have been friends for several years! Her little girl is just a few months older than Paige. I saw her last year, but Jen hadn't seen Paige yet. So we met at the Cracker Barrel and caught up a bit.

Isn't this cute?!?! Paige just reached over and grabbed Anna'as hand. They can't wait to be good friends!

Anna was sweet to pass this toy onto Paige. She loves it and has been playing with it non-stop. My only complaint is that children's toys that play music should all include a volume button. Just sayin. :)

That was our week in Dallas! I'll try to post soon about what else we've been up to, and Paige's 10 month post!



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