Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Rewind

We had a WONDERFUL weekend! Really, one of the best!

Friday night some friends gifted us a free hotel room stay in our city, but in a different part of town than we had ever been before. We knew there was a McDonald's and Starbucks near the hotel, but didn't really know much of anything else. So we went just looking forward to seeing a different part of our city and enjoying some good Western treats.

When we got to the hotel, we realized it was a mini paradise resort (to us!). It had Dairy Queen, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Starbucks, a movie theatre, and several shops. There was also grass and trees everywhere-which is something we rarely see! We were so excited! They even had a golf course that isn't open yet, so people are free to walk around and play on the grass.

Notice the haze? This is what we se the majority of the time. There are probably several high rise buildings right behind those trees, but the constant haze hides it. Neat huh?

I was SO excited to sit on grass!!!

Here I am deep in thought:

We quickly checked into the hotel, then walked around and looked at all the stores. We walked around for a little bit, then went to Pizza Hut for dinner. It was so yummy and I was super appreciative of all the cheese!

After dinner I grabbed a blizzard and Daniel got Starbucks, and we sat outside for an hour or two. It was so much fun!

The next morning we went to McDonald's for breakfast and then to Starbucks.  Can you tell which cup is mine?

We sat outside Starbucks reading for a while, then explored all the little walkways to soak up all of the greenery we possibly could! Then we sat by the water and read some more. It was SO nice not having a schedule or really anything to do. So much fun!

There was also a mini arcade and I just couldn't resist.

And today, I'm SO UBER beyond excited, because Daniel's parents are coming into town to visit!!!!!! We haven't seen them in almost a year, and I've never had anyone visit me overseas, so I can.not.wait!

I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures and things to share about their week with us!



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