Friday, November 11, 2011

Saturday Stats

It's actually Friday here.

And Thursday where you are.

But you get the idea.

After 2 pitiful runs this week, I was beyond nervous about running at all this morning. (We have plans tomorrow morning so the long run had to be done today)

I haven't been sleeping great since getting back from my trip, and to say I'm tired would be an understatement. But, life goes on. So I didn't sleep well last night and I had weird nervous dreams about not having time to put my Glide on, or my pony-tail holder not holding my hair so it kept falling out.

Anyways, I headed out planning to do 8. Since 5 was difficult, I thought 8 wouldn't kill me, but anything more just might. I'm not gonna lie, every single mile was hard. I had side stitches at 2 & 3, which came back again for miles 6 & 7. My time was okay for the first 5. I then stopped to get my GU and water bottle from the gate guard. I had to walk about 30 seconds after mile 6 not only because of the blinding left pain (i've had this several times before), but also my right side of my stomach was cramping too.

For the love, I just want to run.

I somehow made it and around mile 7ish I was feeling okay and remembered I had the chocolate milk I brought back with me on my trip in the fridge. Then pride kicked in and I couldn't let myself be rewarded with imported chocolate milk for a measly 8 miles. So I ended up running 9.5.

I'm happy I finished, it was running like my first 15K or half. Finishing was all that mattered.

Next week the long run will be 11, then taper week (my fave!!) after that.

And just for kicks, here is an awkward picture of my nephews.

Stay tuned!



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