Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Recap

Here is a highlight from each month of 2012!

January-celebrated my 30th birthday!!

I hope that a year from now I will be back to that size. It seems SO long ago!

February- vacation in Malaysia!

March- I think this was Easter, it's the only pic i have from March. Apparently not much else happened that month.

April- Daniel catching me licking the glaze while making TPW's cinnamon rolls. 

Able to visit a local orphanage. 

May- Daniel's parents came to visit!

Travelled to the mountains.

June- found out we were preggers!!!!

Went to the US for Caroline's wedding!

July- Did a lot of travelling!!!

August- discovered Instagram and the local Babies R Us

September- Mom came to visit!

Found out we were having a little girl!

October- Passed my glucose test!

November- Had my first baby shower for Paige!

Celebrated Daniel's birthday and being married 3 years!

December- quickly put the nursery together before coming to the States for 4 months!

SO much has happened this past year! I remember at my birthday party last year, a friend asked me what my hope for 2012 was. I told her I was hoping to be pregnant....i had no idea if that meant 1 month or 9 months, but my hope was that by January of 2013 I would be pregnant. It's crazy that I am 8 months pregnant and in America. We love our life in Asia and have been blessed like crazy this year. I'm so excited to see what next years post will look like-especially with an 11 month old!!

Happy New Year!



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